8 motivatie tips om zomerfit te worden

8 motivation tips to get summer fit

Now that the new year has begun and spring is not too long away (yes we are very positive!) many people are starting to think about the upcoming summer and how to make sure they are fit in summer clothes this summer as well. It's good to want to look beautiful and healthy, but keep in mind that being fit is more than just weight.

Being fit is also about strength, endurance and being healthy. You want to have the energy to enjoy this summer, and working on a healthy body in the winter is going to help you do that. Here you'll find the inspiration to become a healthy athlete.

Follow these 8 steps to get fit for summer.

1. Set a goal...that includes more than just weight loss

Don't hang all your hopes and motivation on a number on the scale. With weight loss comes plateaus which can be very demotivating. Therefore, set longer-term goals such as achieving a certain distance you can run at a stretch, or a certain weight you want to be able to squat in the gym. The endurance and strength you build by doing so will help you achieve the goals, no matter what the scale says.

2. Find the sports activity that suits you

No two people are the same and not everyone enjoys working out at the gym. Some people like to exercise at home and others prefer to go to the gym. Some people like a flexible workout schedule and others like a strict schedule with set times and exercises. Some like a wide variety of exercises and others like the same exercises in the same order. You will therefore have the greatest chance of achieving your goals if you choose a way of exercising that suits you.

3. Don't just focus on cardio; strength training is just as important.

Building muscle mass burns fat, but not as much as cardio training. Yet strength training is just as important for getting fit. The combination of the two provides the best results.

4. Keep it exciting by coming up with different challenges

Working toward your long-term goals can get boring, which is why it's important to regularly come up with additional challenges for yourself. These can range from being able to lift a certain weight, mastering a certain part of fitness or, for example, running a certain distance continuously.

5. Watch out for injuries

Exercising irresponsibly can lead to injuries that can slow you down in your process of getting fit. Therefore, don't let the tight deadline you set for yourself tempt you to overwork and overtrain. Don't increase your levels too quickly, alternate your work-outs with sufficient moments of rest and, above all, make sure you perform your exercises correctly.

6. If you start getting bored by your routine, do something different

You don't have to do the same exercises every time. There are so many different ways to exercise - high intensity interval workouts, circuit workouts, crossfit, Yoga etc. Who ever said you have to stick to a set way of training? Boredom leads to demotivation. Tackle this by enjoying varying the way you train.

7. Eating too little is not going to help you reach your goal, eating right is!

An important part of getting fit is nutrition. Many people tend to eat as little as possible when they want to lose weight. In the short term, this may help you achieve your goals, but it is not healthy or effective for the long term. Instead, be mindful of your diet. There are several apps available that can help you calculate what your daily KCAL intake should be to reach your goal. In these apps you can keep track of what nutrients your body needs and thus what you should eat in a day. One app we are fans of is fatsecret.

8. Supplements - what and what not?

The most important nutrients and building blocks come from food. Therefore, a good diet is the foundation of a healthy body. If you exercise a lot, it is sometimes difficult to get enough (nutritional) substances from your diet. In cases like this, supplements can be a good addition to achieve your goals. There are so many supplements available that sometimes you can't see the wood for the trees. We are a big proponent of clean and natural supplements. The supplements we recommend are Omega 3, Magnesium, Vitamin D and proteins in the form of Organic (whey) protein.

View our product range here and check out our blog for more interesting articles.

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