Please see below for frequently asked questions about our service and our products. For questions about specific products, you can also look at the product pages where there is a FAQ (frequently asked questions) section for each product.


No, you do not need an account to order but it is convenient. This way you can keep useful information such as your delivery address and order history in your account. We will always keep your information confidential according to GDPR guidelines. You can also delete your account and data at any time.

Netherlands and Belgium: If you order on Monday - Friday before 22:00, the deliveryman will offer the package for the first time the next day.

Europe: Delivery time 2-3 working days.

Worldwide: Please check the shipping page for specific country details.


Products can be returned within 30 days under the condition that the products are in new condition and unopened. Please see our returns page for further details.

Go to the Returns page and see if you meet the return requirements. Then go to our returns portal using the link on the returns page.


The shelf life is always on the back of the package, at the bottom.

All our products have a long shelf life. We always try to guarantee a minimum shelf life of 12 months. We can do this because our products are always freshly produced and the stock we keep is small.

The products are best stored sealed and at room temperature, out of direct sunlight and out of reach of children. The ideal temperature is between 15 and 25 degrees Celsius.

All of our products are suitable for Vegetarians.

In addition, many of our products are also suitable for Vegans. These products are completely plant-based and sustainably produced. They can be recognized by the Vegan logo on the packaging and are certified by "the Vegan Society" which ensures that the products are actually fully plant-based and produced free of animal suffering.

Our products are free of unhealthy additives and are made with organic and/or plant-based ingredients produced in a sustainable manner. All our products are therefore free of GMOs, soy, preservatives and artificial flavors and colors.

Because of the natural nature of our products, without unhealthy additives, it is safe to take the products according to the instructions for use. Also during pregnancy and lactation. However, be aware of any allergies and always consult a doctor when in doubt.

Doses are set based on adult needs. Thus, children need less of a dose or the same dose less often. Again; when in doubt, always consult a doctor.


We are an Organic certified company but not all of our products are Organic certified. This is clearly indicated on the packaging and product pages.

Skal ensures that all our ingredients, suppliers and ourselves meet the strict guidelines for Organic farming. Sustainability, animal welfare and the natural life cycle of animals and crops are of paramount importance. Without the use of hormones, anti-biotics, pesticides and other artificial additives and production methods.

We only work with FFSC22000, IFS or BRC certified suppliers. This means that all raw materials are fully traceable and extensively tested for the absence of harmful substances. In addition, the nutritional values are tested to ensure that they are actually correct and the final products are also tested. All tests are carried out by external laboratories.


Is your question not listed? Chat with us or contact us below.