Big Air Kitesurfer Gijs Wassenaar bij team Ekopura

Big Air Kitesurfer Gijs Wassenaar to join team Ekopura

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Welcome to the team Gijs Wassenaar!

Gijs is 21 years old and is working hard within big air kitesurfing. With two participations in the Dutch editions of the Redbull Mega Loop Challenge in 2014 and 2015, he has put himself well on the map nationally, and by jumping a world record of 19.1 meters high during a competition in 2015 (sick!) he managed to get international eyes on him. He may have lost his record, but in February Gijs will travel to South Africa to participate in his first international competition. During the Redbull king of the air in Cape Town, Gijs will compete against the top 24 in the world in a competition for the highest and most impressive jump. The perfect time to take back that record! On his way to the top we support Gijs!

In the coming weeks we will keep you posted on Gijs' achievements!

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