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5 benefits of adding casein to your nutrition regimen

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As an avid athlete, it is important to get enough good quality protein daily. You need enough protein for your muscles to recover and grow. If you want to take some extra protein before bed, casein protein is a very good option. But why exactly is casein before sleep so useful? And what other benefits does casein have? In this article, we have selected 5 reasons to add casein to your nutrition regimen today. Read along.

What is casein?

Both casein and whey are extracted from cow's milk. In total, cow's milk contains 3% protein. Of that, 80% is casein and 20% is whey protein. Both proteins contain all nine essential amino acids, which your body cannot make itself but needs to function properly. Proteins are building materials for the body and are essential for building or maintaining muscle mass. Because casein is found in milk protein, you can also find it in many other products Think of yogurt, cottage cheese, cheese, different types of bakery products and also in baby food.

Building muscle in your sleep

Most people think that in order to build more muscle, you especially need to do a lot of training. And of course it is true that training is important for muscle growth, but your nutrition is just as important. Sufficient sleep also ensures that your hormone levels allow for optimal muscle growth. That's why casein protein is the perfect solution to take before sleep. It takes about 7 hours to be absorbed by the body. That means your body has access to protein virtually all night for optimal muscle recovery.

Helps you lose weight

Casein can help you lose weight. It gives a feeling of satiety so that you are less likely to get hungry. This reduces the chance that you deviate from your diet. In addition, casein is low in calories and has a very low fat content. Win win situation right!

It helps build muscle strength and reduces recovery time

You would think that your muscles will grow right from the moment you hit the gym. However, nutrition and diet is the deciding factor here. This is because training and nutrition go hand in hand. Without proper nutrition, you will not achieve the desired results. Studies have shown that casein protein has a positive influence on muscle recovery, muscle growth and muscle maintenance. It is a particularly good supplement for this. After a workout, your muscles are damaged. Our body then uses protein and amino acids to repair the muscles and make them stronger than before.

Better dental health

As with other dairy products, casein will provide improved dental health. Studies have shown that it has the potential to strengthen your teeth and protect them from erosion and damage thanks to the fact that casein, contains calcium phosphate.

How do you consume casein?

The fastest way to ingest casein is to make a shake. You can do this by mixing casein with milk or water. Not so crazy about shakes? Then get cooking, because with casein you can make a variety of baked goods. For example, protein bars, muffins or cookies. Perfect for a healthy snack in the evening hours before going to bed.

You can use casein to make ''healthy'' versions of your favorite snacks. If you take them before bed, they will deliver protein and amino acids to your body for an extended period of time during the night. These will enable you to achieve your sports goals faster.

Another way to consume casein can be through a "Protein Fluff. On our website we have several for the tastiest Protein Fluff.

Take a quick look at our organic casein products.

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