5 tips om een écht ochtendmens te worden

5 tips to become a true morning person

It can be pretty hard to get out of bed sometimes! It's dark, cold and you prefer to turn over quickly. Some people need three cups of coffee before a word comes out of their mouths, while others jump out of bed full of energy. For those people who find it a little more difficult to get out of bed in the morning, we have selected 5 tips that will help you become a real morning person. Read along?

Set the alarm clock on the other side of the bedroom

Avoid hitting the snooze button by placing your alarm clock on the other side of the room. This will force you to get out of bed. Because admit it, nothing is more annoying when your alarm goes off and you just can't reach it. Tip! To make this morning ritual a little more pleasant. Avoid a very annoying sound and instead choose a song by your favorite artist.

Phone and tablet out of reach

Make sure the impulses that keep you awake are as minimal as possible. Therefore, it is recommended to put your phone and tablet out of sight and put them on night mode. Or better yet, turn them off an hour before you plan to go to sleep and also turn off any lights on devices in your room. It's these kinds of lights and lights that affect your melatonin levels, and that very hormone regulates your sleep cycle.


The reason you can't get up very well in the morning is probably because you haven't quite slept in. Sleep is not only good for your health, it is also essential for muscle growth and muscle recovery after working out or muscle maintenance while losing weight. Make sure you get at least 7 hours of sleep every night so you wake up the next morning refreshed and fruity. Go to bed a little earlier to see if it makes a difference in the morning when you get up.

Make sure you have a good breakfast

Make a bowl of oatmeal, a protein smoothie or a bowl of yogurt with granola and fresh fruit. The earlier you eat something healthy in the morning, the faster you'll get really energized. Skip the sugary cereal, waffles and bagels. Instead, incorporate healthy fats like avocado, coconut and eggs into your breakfast. Vegetables such as kale, spinach and zucchini are also important. These powerful vegetables boost your energy and provide your body with the right fuel. Need inspiration for a healthy breakfast? Then take a quick look at our recipes.

Early work-out

By exercising in the morning, you open an instant pot of energy. Because you're active in the morning, you'll be sharper and fitter throughout the day. Is the gym still a step too far for you? Then roll out a mat in your room and do some simple pilates or yoga exercises.

Transform yourself from a night owl into an early bird. Want to know more about this topic? Then read our blog 6 benefits to exercising in the morning.

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