5 manieren om beter te presteren in de gym

5 ways to perform better in the gym

Every week you're toiling away in the gym. You're making progress, but you're still a long way from where you ultimately want to be. So what can you do to get more results from your workout? We have listed 5 ways to perform better in the gym. Read on quickly.


Drink enough before, during and after exercise. Drinking enough keeps your fluid levels up. What is "enough" depends on how intensely you exercise and the ambient temperature. You can use 250 to 500 ml per 15 minutes as a guideline. When it's hot, you need to take extra care to drink enough. Read more about it in our blog: Are you drinking enough water?

Make sure you have a good nutrition plan

Everyone knows that nutrition is important. But did you know that nutrition is even so important that it is 60% to 70% responsible for your sports results! Nutrition is your fuel before working out and ensures recovery after your workout. If your nutrition is not optimal, your body cannot perform these processes optimally and will not be able to recover itself fast enough for your next workout. So ditch unhealthy things and choose responsible, fresh and organic products for optimal sports results.

Want to receive an appropriate nutrition plan? Then sign up for our Fit Course.

Spice it up

When you train according to a training schedule, you may notice after a while that your muscles stop growing. Often this is after a few months. Your body gets used to the exercises and you stand still as a result. So to keep your body stimulated, it is good to change up your workout every now and then. Surprise your body with new exercises.

Take sufficient rest

Your muscles need sufficient rest after a workout to fully recover. If you do not take enough rest, your muscles will not be able to recover completely, which will prevent progression.


Eat and drink immediately after your workout. When you are finished exercising, drink enough and eat something with carbohydrates preferably within 2 hours after your performance. This will quickly replenish your glycogen stores. Make sure you get the carbohydrates in a varied meal with protein and fat. This is because your muscles need to recover and need protein to do so.


Drinking a protein shake is an easy way to get the necessary nutrients that supports the body with muscle growth and recovery. Just be careful which one you take; there are many different whey, casein and vegetable protein products on the market. However, not all of them are equally good for your body and include GMOs, flavors, dyes, refined sugars and other substances that do not belong in a healthy and balanced diet.

Ekopura's protein is free of artificial and unnecessary additives, made with 100% organic proteins and only natural ingredients of the highest quality. Want to know more about our products? Then click here.

With these tips you can't go wrong, Go, Go, Go!

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