Wanneer is het beste tijdstip om te trainen?

When is the best time to train?

When is the best time to train? More and more research is being done into the best time to exercise, but a really concrete answer is not there yet. Some people love to be in the gym at 7:00 am and starting the day with a large workout. While the other only has the energy to dive the gym in the evening. There are various factors such as the biological clock, body temperature and hormonal processes that affect your sports performance. Read the advantages and disadvantages of both training moments here.

Morning training! 

For the real morning man, nothing is so motivating when you have had a workout when others still have to start their day. A big advantage of a morning training is that you feel tasty and awake all day. After all, your body is immediately put into the 'active' position. In addition, it is often nice in the gym or on the street early in the morning.

Who wants to lose weight can best exercise best. Research has shown that for 45 minutes of exercise you make less hungry, stimulates burning from fats and therefore a good time is when you want to slim down.

Afternoon or evening 

According to research at the University of Cambridge, the temperature of your muscles and other physical parameters reach a peak late in the afternoon. At this part of the day your body temperature is highest and it seems that you have more power and endurance. In addition, your body produces more testosterone at the end of the day: the hormone that is responsible for your muscle mass.

So you want to become stronger, then the late afternoon or start of the evening the perfect time to start sports.

Everybody is different 

So there is something to say for both training moments. What working properly doesn't work properly for you. Regardless of what the studies show and what has been proven in scientific articles, everyone is different.

Faster recovery 

Sports and repairing go hand in hand. The body needs time, peace and good food to recover. That is why it is advisable to take a protein shake or protein-rich diet for optimum recovery after a workout. But pay attention!

There are different types of proteins. For example, a distinction is made between high-quality and less high-quality. If we talk about high-quality proteins, it is about proteins with a high-quality protein content that is excellent by the body.

Ekopura Only works with pure, healthy and biological ingredients. The result: protein that is free from artificial and unnecessary additives, a very good recording and good for human animal and environment. View our products here.

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