Fabels en feiten over eiwitshakes

Fables and facts about protein shakes

Many stories circulate about Protein shakes and everyone has an opinion about them. Many people do not know exactly what protein is, how much your body needs and what it does for your body. In this article, we have listed some of the Fables and Facts about protein shakes for you. There is continuous research on the health benefits of protein and the results of these studies are very positive.

Several studies have shown that protein shakes combined with sports produce the following results: - muscle mass preservation and fat loss - the feeling of hunger remains longer satisfied - muscle recovery and muscle building during exercise are promoted - resistance is increased - your stress resistance is increased

But what is protein?

Protein is the building blocks of our body. Protein is a nutrient, just like carbohydrates and fat. Protein provides calories and amino acids. Amino acids in protein strengthen and repair the body's cells. Therefore, to live a healthy life, it is important to get enough protein. There are different types of protein. For example, a distinction is made between high-quality and less high-quality. When we talk about high-quality proteins, we are talking about proteins with a high-quality protein content that is excellent for the body to absorb.

Facts about protein

Recover faster

Protein powders are not only good for losing weight. They are also used to help muscles recover faster. Protein is essential for the production of muscle tissue. Especially athletes who train a lot and heavily therefore need more protein. If the body does not get enough protein from food, it will start using protein from muscle to make up for the deficiency at the expense of muscle mass.

Losing weight

Protein powders can support weight loss. You quickly get a satiated feeling which makes you stop eating sooner. If you follow a diet where you consume fewer calories, you will lose more fat and less muscle if you also take protein shakes in the process. In addition, it helps to increase muscle mass and greater muscle mass, means more fat burning and this allows you to slim down.

Want to know more? Then read our blog Losing weight with protein shakes, is it possible?

Health benefits

Several studies show that whey also has resistance-boosting properties, slows aging and lowers blood pressure. In addition, the proteins have antibacterial and antiviral properties and maintain stable blood sugar levels. In addition, protein shakes can help you cope better with stress. It may sound strange, but it turns out that whey stimulates the production of serotonin.

Serotonin is a substance responsible for your mood. This is evident from a study conducted in the Netherlands. In this study, subjects underwent stress. Subjects who consumed whey during this period suffered fewer symptoms of depression and were in an overall better mood. (source)

Fables about protein

Oh no, I forgot my protein shake

Don't panic! Nothing to worry about. It is a habit of athletes to take a protein shake immediately after exercise. Some athletes even have the idea that they have to drink a protein shake immediately after exercise "because otherwise you will recover worse." This is really a myth, you don't have to take a protein shake immediately after exercise. It doesn't come down to minutes when you just ate something before exercise. Your body then usually has enough fuel and protein to go on for a while. It is much more important to make sure you get enough protein throughout the day.

Want to know more about when to drink a protein shake? Read our blog When to drink a protein shake.

Your body can only absorb 20-30 grams of protein per meal.

For a long time it was assumed that our body can only absorb 30 grams of protein per meal. We can call this assertion a fable. When you exercise fanatically, the intake of protein is very important. In fact, protein is essential for the recovery of our body. The body can absorb more than 30 grams per meal.

Protein shakes are boring

This is definitely a fable! A protein shake is anything but boring. Make every shake a party by combining with fresh fruit, juice, yogurt or oatmeal, for example. You can also use protein powder in brownies, cookies, cakes and the like. This way you can make a healthy snack in no time.

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