Stride stance good morning - mobiliteit met Franziska Lancaster

Stride stance good morning - mobility with Franziska Lancaster

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Stride stance good morning

Hi, I'm Franziska Lancaster and I'm a movement and mobility coach. In the coming time I will go through with you basic movements and stretches that actually everyone should do regularly for a healthy body and to maintain or improve your mobility and flexibility. This is very important for athletes but also for anyone who spends several hours a day at their desk or computer.

The second movement we will cover is the Stride Stance Good Morning.

Many people suffer from stiff hamstrings. This need not be an immediate problem but does cause reduced mobility and flexion, reduced athletic performance and an increased risk of injury. Stiffened hamstrings also contribute to other complaints such as back pain, for example.

What are the effects of stiffened hamstrings?

Stiffened hamstrings cause the hips and pelvis to tilt, which will cause you to assume incorrect lower back posture. This can cause you to develop back pain. It creates the wrong posture which, in turn, can cause all kinds of complaints in the long run. Another effect of stiff hamstrings is that blood is pushed out of the muscles. This prevents them from performing optimally. Ultimately, this will have an effect on your overall athletic performance, especially in sports or movements where the hamstrings are required. Less blood flow also makes you more prone to injury.

How do you get stiff hamstrings?

There can be several causes. For example, you may have naturally inherited short hamstrings while others do not suffer from them. In general, men are more likely to suffer from stiffened or short hamstrings than women and children.

Not stretching enough is the main cause of stiff hamstrings. When you exercise a lot and do not stretch properly in addition, your muscles get a tendency to cramp up. Make it a habit to stretch for at least 10 minutes after working out. In fact, this is the time when your muscles are warm and most receptive to stretching through stretching exercises.

Stretching the hamstrings

If you have naturally short hamstrings or suffer from stiff hamstrings then the most obvious solution is to stretch and improve your flexibility. If you have naturally short hamstrings then it is extra important to pay attention to this. What you can also do is to have a regular sports massage where the legs are well taken care of.

How do you know if you suffer from stiff hamstrings?

A good way to test this is to lie flat on the floor and have someone else lift one of your legs. When doing this, it is important that you keep the leg fully extended. If your leg reaches an angle of 90 degrees to your body without too much pain, you have good hamstring flexibility. However, if you do not get beyond 80 degrees then we are talking about short or stiff hamstrings.

Stride Stance Good Morning

One of my favorite moves that really everyone should do on a daily basis is the Stride Stance Good Morning. This exercise helps tremendously to make the hamstrings more flexible.

1 - To perform this stretch properly, you need a PVC pipe. You can also use a broomstick or a long stick. Place this at the neck, on top of both shoulders and hold it with two hands while the "pvc pipe" presses on the shoulders.

2 - Next, place one foot in front of the other with legs extended. Make sure you create a distance between both legs of +/-50 cm. Make sure the back is completely straight before starting the exercise.

3 - Once the correct starting position is adopted begin to gently bend forward as far as you can. During the movement keep your back straight, both legs fully extended and hold the PVC pipe securely. In addition, make sure the feet are in full contact with the floor when you reach the lowest point. Hold this position for a few seconds and then gently move back up. 4 - Repeat the movement slowly and in a controlled manner, doing 3 sets of 5 repetitions per leg. If you started with your left leg in front in the first set then place the right leg in front in the second set and keep alternating.

Repeat this exercise as many times as you want. You can make the exercise part of stretching after your workout or your morning routine. Watch the video for a detailed explanation. V

ear more mobility exercises with Franziska you can also check out the following article: the Resting Squat

In addition, we have many more interesting sports and exercise related articles on our blog.

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