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Faster recovery after an injury: 7 tips

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Faster recovery after an injury. Injuries are annoying enough; every athlete has to deal with them at some point. Ideally, of course, you want to recover as quickly as possible. Fortunately, there are plenty of things you can do to speed up your recovery. We have selected some tips for you to get you back up and running as soon as possible.

Be quick and see your doctor

This is very important! Because walking on with an injury is not advisable and the chances of it getting worse are high. In case of a serious injury, see a specialist immediately. A specialist can give you the right treatment and guide you on the road to recovery.

Avoid alcohol for now

Lay off that beer or wine for now. Alcohol can slow down recovery and even promote inflammation. After all, all the energy goes into breaking down alcohol instead of recovering from your injury.

Keep cooling

Start cooling right away as soon as you sustain an injury! This relieves pain and prevents swelling. Wrap ice in a towel so your skin doesn't become hypothermic or damaged. It's important to re-cool regularly for the first 48 hours; this helps with swelling and pain.

Alternate hot and cold

Alternating hot and cold contrast on your body is a way to reduce inflammation and stimulates circulation. For example, you can take a shower where you shower cold for 20 seconds, hot for 10 seconds and repeat this several times.


Proper nutrition is essential for faster recovery from an injury. It is important not only to avoid certain products, but also to eat certain products more. This is because different types of foods and supplements have anti-inflammatory properties and contain substances necessary for the creation of new tissue. This allows for faster recovery. During your recovery, choose foods or supplements that are rich in:

Vitamin A

Vitamin A ensures the production of white blood cells in your body. These white blood cells help fight infections and viruses. Your body needs white blood cells to recover. Vitamin A is found in carrots, sweet potato and spinach, among others.

Omega 3

One of the most important supplements you can take to recover faster is omega 3. Omega 3 fatty acids are essential for your health. They are an important building block for brain cells, cell walls and the nervous system. Omega 3 fats have an anti-inflammatory effect. Omega 3 can obviously be ingested by eating more oily fish but can also be obtained directly from algae. We have a very good and sustainable alternative. Check it out here.


Zinc is needed in the building of proteins and thus for tissue growth and renewal. Zinc also ensures healthy bones, hair and skin, and a good memory. In addition, it plays a role in building and breaking down carbohydrates. Zinc keeps your immune system strong. Zinc is found in oysters, nuts, seeds and chicken, among other foods.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C has a function as an antioxidant in the body and is needed for the formation of connective tissue, the absorption of iron and the maintenance of resistance. Citrus fruits, strawberries, kiwis, broccoli contain a lot of vitamin C. Should you want to take a supplement we have a very nice organic fruit powder that contains a very high vitamin C content. Check out here the details.


Did you know that ginger and turmeric have anti-inflammatory properties. Add spices to your diet such as ginger and turmeric. Turmeric (turmeric) is known for its anti-inflammatory properties.


In the healing of injuries, including those involving bone damage, it is very important to maximize the body's production of protein. Proteins stimulate the production of new connective tissues and repair incurred damage to muscles and bones. It is therefore important to get enough protein through the diet. For more information, also read the blogs: Why does your body need protein and How much protein does the body need ?

Drink a lot of water

Drinking plenty of water prevents dehydration and promotes recovery from injury. Water removes harmful waste products from your body which promotes recovery.

Be patient

The last point is perhaps the most difficult, but with an injury it is important to be patient and give your body time to recover. This may mean rest or it may mean that you do need to keep moving at a slow pace, your specialist can advise you on this. Performing low-intensity exercises gets the blood flowing through the muscles and can sometimes help heal faster. Don't go full blast training right away, but listen to your body and build up slowly. After all, if you make an injury worse you are even further from home.

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