Vegan tomaten/basilicum soep

Vegan tomatoes / basil soup

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Vegan tomatoes basil soup

Now that the winter is in front of the door and it is getting colder is a stuffed vegetable soup an ideal meal. Nice and easy after a long day work or after exercise. Soup is easy to freeze and incredibly healthy. For example, choose this vegan tomato basil soup. A small tip! Divide the soup into different trays so that you can eat several times. What do you need? - Vegetable oil - 2 cans of tomato puree - 400 ml sieved tomatoes - vegetable broth - 1 onion - 2 roots - garlic - basil - spicy paprika powder - 4 tablespoons flower - half can of coconut milk How do you make it? Chop the outing and put it with some oil and a clove of garlic a fairly large pan. Grate the roots and also add it together with some paprika powder. Let this yarn before you make the tomato puree to fend. Put the flour in the pan and let this yarn before you pour a broth. The sifted tomatoes can also be added. When last, add the coconut milk and let it simmer. Now remove this through a sieve, because all pieces of onion and carrot must out. Put the soup in a pan, put a hand cut basil and warm it up again. Put the soup in a bowl and finish with a little coconut milk.

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