Ekopura chocolade protein cake

Ekopura Chocolate Protein Cake

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Ekopura Chocolate Protein Cake. Chocolate Lovers Attention! It's Chocolate Time ... a healthy and tasty chocolate protein cake! What do you need? - 2 Ripe Bananas - 2 Scoops Ekopura Smooth cocoa - 4 tablespoons cocoa powder - 2 eggs - 100 grams vegetable yogurt - 150 ml almond milk - 120 grams oatmeal - 2 tsp baking powder toppings: dark chocolate, pecans, almonds, hazelnuts, pistachio nuts. Preparation method 1: Preheat the oven to 180 degrees 2: Mix all ingredients together in the blender, until you have a thick creamy mass 3: Pour the mixture into a greased pie or cake mold 4: Put the cake in the oven for 25 minutes in the oven at 180 Degrees. Let cool and enjoy ... Enjoy!

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