Recept: overnight protein oats

Recipe: Overnight Protein Oats

Ingredients: 2.5 cup soaked oatmeal ⅔ Cup soaked cashew nuts 1 Scoop ekopura Organic Whey Protein 80 g Dates, Piss 1 tablespoon Coconut oil 2 tbsp grated coconut 2 teaspoon of vanilla powder, unsmitted 1 small hand blueberries 1 small hand raspberry

Soak the oats and cashew nuts at night (or four hours) in cashew milk or water in a '' spacious '' bake (for example a tupperware container). Then let the excess water run out of the container and put the oats and cashew nuts in your blender. Let it blend and add the dates, coconut oil, grated coconut, whey protein and vanilla powder until it is a good solid substance. Garnish the overnight oats finally with the berries and raspberries and some grated coconut. To enjoy!

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