Protein, mango and chia pudding

Protein, Mango and Chia Pudding

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Protein Mango and Chia Pudding

This Protein Mango Chia Pudding is probably the tastiest thing we have had as breakfast. It is still healthy and easy to make too! Many of you will now be familiar with the benefits of Chia Seed. These small seeds are packed with good omega-3 fats, fibers and protein. In addition, they contain a large number of vitamins and minerals such as calcium, magnesium, vitamin B and C. You make this pudding in an instant and therefore it is the perfect as breakfast or delicious as a healthy snack when you feel like something kit!



  • Blend the mango cubes and the whey protein in a blender until you have a sturdy mango puree
  • Put the mango mash in a glass
  • Sprinkle the chia seeds on top of the Mango puree
  • Carefully pour the coconut / almond milk on top of the chia seeds. (Tip; pour the milk through a spatula on the chia seeds / mango so that the milk comes nicely on top.
  • Carefully merge the chia seeds and milk. (beware; not stirring too hard and not stir through the mango to get the pudding nicely on top of the mango)
  • Now put the pudding a number; Hour in the fridge (we always put the pudding in the fridge for 24 hours to get a nice structure)

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