Eet bewust en voel je energieker! 6 tips.

Eat aware and feel your energetic! 6 tips.

Healthy and conscious food; Everyone knows it's important, but we often have difficulty with it. Good food gives energy, contains vitamins and minerals and is tasty. So if you eat, eat well; Fresh, fully-fledged and whole grain. Place fruit and vegetables centrally and opt for local and seasonal products, fewer meat and for responsible caught or granted fish. In this article we give you a number of useful tips to live more consciously and healthier! Do you read?

Boil yourself

By cooking yourself, instead of buying a ready-made meal, you have the most control over what is processed in your food. A rule of thumb to eat healthy is therefore to eat varied at all times. In this way you get all the necessary nutrients that your body needs.

Choose pure products

Unprocessed food is 'The Key to Results'. With this we mean products such as fresh vegetables, fruit and whole grains. Buy as many local, mature products as possible that contain most nutrients and are unprocessed, preferably from organic cultivation. As a result, you get a saturated feeling and enough energy faster to ensure that your engine continues to run without getting harmful substances.

Read labels

It is very important to become aware of what the manufacturers all stop in your food. You will be surprised at how many products additional ingredients are added, which do not belong in a healthy diet. Therefore, make sure you have more deepened in the labels so that you know exactly what you put in your body. Do you want to know more about this subject? Then read our blog You should absolutely avoid these ingredients in food.


3 meals a day are a good basis to feed your body with all nutrients. In addition, take a maximum of 4 times a little in between, for example:
  • Raw vegetables, such as cherry tomatoes, cucumber, radish, celery and carrot
  • Fruit, such as banana, apple, orange or grapefruit.
  • Unsalted nuts, such as walnuts, hazelnuts and almonds. Nuts are rich in fat, but of the good kind.
  • A protein shake is a good snack. It gives you a saturated feeling and you can vary endlessly. Need inspiration? Then look at our recipes. 

Meat substitutes

Eat less meat. Your body has more difficulty digesting meat than with vegetable food. If you still eat meat do this to a difference. Twice a week a small portion of organic meat (around 75 grams) is sufficient to get the right nutrients in. Moreover, it is also better for the animals and the environment.

It's the combination!

Don't forget that, in addition to your eating schedule, movement also has a large share in a healthy lifestyle. It is the combination that keeps you really fit. Sport is not only healthy for the body, but also for the mind. Choose a sport that suits you and where you get positive energy. In short, food is the basis for a healthy and fit body. Be aware of what you eat and spend enough time and attention to your diet, plan ahead. Do you have a busy week? Then Meal Prepping can offer the perfect outcome!

Read more about this blog here The benefits of Meal Preping.

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