Eet jij teveel suiker? 7 symptomen om erachter te komen

Are you eating too much sugar? 7 symptoms to find out

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Nowadays we get a lot of sugar in our diet. It is included in many products without us realizing it. A little bit of sugar doesn't hurt most people, but too much sugar can cause health problems. Our bodies let us know very well when something is not right. So when we ingest too much sugar we receive signals. If you recognize yourself in this article, maybe you should start watching your sugar intake anyway. Do you read?

Feeling tired

When your breakfast or lunch is full of sugars and low in protein, fiber and fat, you may feel tired in the afternoon. You may also get a big headache and have trouble focusing. A balanced diet will ensure that there are no big spikes and dips in your blood sugar levels.

You feel bloated

Our intestines are not happy about it when we eat products high in artificial fructose. And you notice it. It can make you feel quite bloated. You're much less likely to get this from eating fruit that contains natural fructose. Artificial fructose is commonly added to candy, soft drinks and fruit juices, and that combination is difficult for your intestines to digest. Eating other refined sugars can also be the culprit of your gut problems.

Weight problems

The human body was created to handle a limited amount of sugar. When the body has had enough and sugar continues to flow in, the sugar calories are converted into body fat and stored. Of course, this can cause a weight problem fairly quickly, which in turn creates additional risk of other ailments such as high cholesterol and heart problems.

Much more thirsty

A signal that you are taking in too much sugar is a dry mouth and a lot of thirst. This is because your brain receives a signal. Here, of course, it is important not to drink soft drinks, but to drink a glass of water or cup of tea (without sugar).

What does sugar do to your brain?

If you eat sweet snacks, you may get a craving for even more sweetness. This works as follows: sugar causes your brain to release dopamine. This is a chemical that gives you a feeling of reward. So eating or drinking a sugary product gives you a pleasant feeling that makes you want more of it to experience that feeling professionally. This is also what makes sugar so addictive.

What does sugar do to your muscles?

Sugar does not only affect your brain, but also your muscles. Sugar provides energy that your muscles need to work properly. But note that we're talking mostly about healthy sugars here. Too much sugar or refined sugars that are not used by your muscles or cannot be stored as reserves will be stored by your body as fat.

Sugar and your workout!

Energizing your body is very important when you exercise. But when you find that it is getting harder and harder to exercise then you may be eating too much sugar before you exercise. Giving your body energy in the form of sugars causes your blood sugar level to spike quickly and then it will quickly drop again. The result is that you feel extremely tired while you are still exercising. And that, of course, is not the intention.


Are you under stress and feel the need for sugary comfort food? Then it's better to opt for a serving of oatmeal with brown sugar. The oatmeal fills faster so you don't overeat and the brown sugar still gives you that little bit of sugar.

Also check out our supplements for brain and nerve support.

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