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Why does your body need enough protein? 7 consequences of not enough protein

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It doesn't matter if you are an avid athlete or not. Your body needs enough protein. On average, the Dutch eat far too many carbohydrates and far too little protein. Per kilogram of body weight, you need an average of 0.8 grams of protein, and if you exercise, this can even double. Read more about this in our blog "How much protein do you need per day

Nowadays many people are already aware that it is important for our body to get enough protein. Still, it can happen that you get too little protein, even if you pay attention to your intake. In this article we will look at this in a little more detail.

Why does your body need sufficient protein?

Proteins are our body's building blocks. Protein is a nutrient, just like carbohydrates and fat. Protein provides calories and amino acids. Amino acids in protein strengthen and repair body cells. To live a healthy life, it is important to get enough protein. Your body uses protein for almost all crucial physiological processes.

Some examples include:

  • Growth, maintenance and repair of cells (muscles, skin, skeleton, hair, teeth)
  • Metabolism & cell transport through the bloodstream
  • Creation of antibodies (immune system)
  • Organ functions
  • Production of enzymes & hormones

7 consequences of too little protein

Junk food

When you do not get enough protein, there is a good chance that you will start craving non-nutritional foods, say junk food. This is because our blood sugar levels are out of balance, tempting us to eat carbohydrate- and sugar-laden foods such as chocolate, candy, chips, sandwiches and sodas. When this happens, we need to resist this urge and make sure that this is exactly when you ingest a healthy snack with a good amount of protein. For example, opt for a protein shake, handful of nuts, bowl of Greek yogurt, cracker with chicken breast or a boiled egg.

A fuzzy feeling

Because your blood sugar fluctuates, you get a fuzzy feeling. This is because a stable insulin level ensures good concentration. Moreover, protein helps your body process carbohydrates so that they are processed evenly. This keeps your energy levels up.


If the body does not get enough protein from food, it will start using protein from muscles to make up for the deficiency at the expense of muscle mass. So you can train all you want, but if you do not get enough protein, your muscle strength and mass will not increase.

Joint pain or muscle pain

Around our joints, much of our protein is stored. Therefore, it is not surprising that when you are deficient in protein it can manifest itself in joint pain or muscle soreness.

Inflammatory diseases

The greater your protein deficiency, the fewer antibodies your body can produce. As a result, there is ultimately little left of your immune system and you are more susceptible to bacterial and viral infections.

Fluid accumulations

Proteins play a role in regulating fluid balance in the body. When there is not enough protein in your blood, the pressure in your blood vessels drops. Therefore, fluid buildup (edema) can result from not getting enough protein.

Less concentration

When you are deficient in protein, you may have concentration problems. Protein is responsible for the health of several neurotransmitters in the brain. What we eat ultimately determines the chemicals for the nerves that dominate the nerve pathways in the brain, and affect how we feel. If we want to stay healthy, focused and energized, we need to make sure we get a nice dose of protein. Make sure you eat a balanced diet with plenty of vegetables, fruits and protein.

Protein shakes

Protein powders can help with this. Mix it with water, juice or milk for an easy snack. You can also take protein powders for breakfast, for example with oatmeal, or in baked goods. Be careful, though, because many protein shakes contain unhealthy additives and are produced without care for nature.

Ekopura, on the other hand, offers a healthy and organic alternative. Protein without artificial and unhealthy additives and produced with respect for people, animals and nature. View our product range here.

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