Tips voor een beter herstel na een workout

Tips for a better recovery after a workout

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Tips for a better recovery after a workout. When you are a fanatic athlete, you naturally want to recover as soon as possible. Because if you recover quickly, you can also train a maximum of it again. Restore after exercise is at least as important as sports itself. Below a number of tips to promote your recovery after exercise.

Keep moving

After an intensive workout where you are completely dimmed, you prefer to plop directly on the couch and no longer get up. Only it is really better to continue to move. Choose to stretch out your legs after dinner and take a short walk. Immediately after training, a cooling-down is also essential to slowly relax your body. A good cooling-down promotes the recovery of your body. This way you also prevent injuries. How fanatic you have gesport, the more your body needs to unwind. Do you want to know more about the cooling down? Then read our blog forgets the cooling-down!


You lose a lot of moisture during exercise. It is therefore very important to supplement this shortage. With intensive sports you can lose 1 to 2 liters of moisture. To be able to perform good performance, you must also drink enough water. Do not start drinking when you get thirsty because then you are actually too late. Try to drink at least 2 liters of water every day and make sure you remain hydrated during one after your training.


After training and during an intensive training period, the muscles have a higher protein requirement than normal. You can supplement the extra proteins that your body needs by taking a protein shake after a workout. Drinking a protein shake is an easy way to get the necessary nutrients that supports the body with muscle growth and recovery. Do you want to know more about protein shakes? Then read our article: Protein shakes What do you pay attention to?


Racks, stretch or choose for foam rollers. Foam rolls are perfect for a self-massage for the entire body, you can tackle tissue with it. You can also opt for a relaxing massage after a workout. You promote blood flow with a massage. For example, the muscles get more oxygen, waste faster are drained faster and can reduce muscle pain.

Sleep enough

Sleep is not only good for your health, it is also essential for muscle growth and muscle recovery after training or muscle conservation during losing weight. During the night your body only gets rest and can fully focus on recovery. Sleep well is so important. How much sleep you need, that differs per person. An average person needs approximately 8 hours of sleep per night. If you are structurally too little, this can influence your sport performance.

Also read our article "Don't forget the cooling down!

We hope that these tips help you with a better recovery after training.

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