5 X Vegan ontbijt recepten voor de beste start van je dag

5 X Vegan breakfast recipes for the best start to your day

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5 X Vegan breakfast recipes for the best start to your day

When you eat vegan, breakfast consists of different products and ingredients. A vegan breakfast is completely plant-based and therefore does not contain animal ingredients/products such as a well-filled omelet or dairy products. But fortunately, there are plenty of alternatives to still put a tasty and healthy breakfast on the table. Just make sure your breakfast consists of enough protein, fats and fiber. For example, choose whole grain cereals, plant-based yogurt, a vegan protein shake, nuts or avocado.


In this article, we share our 5 favorite vegan breakfast recipes to start the day. We are curious to know which of the 5 is your favorite.


Ekopura Vegan Roerei Recept

This plant-based version of scrambled eggs is healthy, delicious, easy to make. Vegan scrambled eggs from freshly made tofu is very similar to real scrambled eggs in taste and appearance. It's really worth giving this a try and with this simple recipe you'll prepare a delicious breakfast in no time. The curry and turmeric give the tofu a yellow color and a delicious taste. This time we chose to add avocado to the recipe, but of course you can do anything with it. The main ingredients are tofu and a mountain of spices.

Ingredients for 2 people
- 1 avocado
- 1 red onion
- 1 tablespoon of mild olive oil
- 150 grams of tofu
- ½ tsp ground turmeric
- ½ tsp curry
- 1 tsp black salt, aka Kala Namak (organic store) or celery salt

How to make it
1. Cut the red onion and avocado into small pieces and drain the tofu
2. Cut the red onion into small pieces and drain the tofu
3. Heat 1 tbsp oil in the frying pan. Fry the red onion for 2 minutes and then add the tofu, turmeric, curry and black salt/ celery salt. Push the tofu into "pieces" with a spatula. Stir-fry for about 4 minutes.
5. Spread the scrambled tofu and avocado on a plate and sprinkle with a little extra salt, if desired.


Ekopura Vegan Protein Smoothie Bowl Recept

Yummm!!! We can't get enough of smoothie bowls and this vegan version with blueberries, banana, mango coconut milk and Ekopura vegan protein is also a must. Throw everything in the blender and enjoy! For the toppings you can still choose fresh fruit or grated coconut.

What you need
-100 grams blueberries
-1 ripe banana
-1 ripe mango
-50 ml coconut milk
-1 serving Ekopura vegan protein


Ekopura vegan protein overnight oats

Overnight oats is truly a power breakfast full of healthy ingredients that will ensure you kickstart your morning.

- 40g oatmeal
- 100ml Almond milk
- 1/2 banana mashed
- 100g red berries or other red fruit of your choice
- 1 tsp chia seeds
- 1/2 tsp cinnamon
- Optional: pumpkin seeds or flaxseed

- 1 serving Ekopura Vegan Protein

How to make it
In a bowl or glass, mix all ingredients together. Put in the fridge overnight and your breakfast will be ready in the morning!


Ekopura vegan protein pannenkoeken recept

Do you have a little more time on the weekend? Then opt for these delicious pancakes with oatmeal, almond milk and lemon. Ready in no time and delicious with fresh fruit!

- 100 g oatmeal
- 300 ml almond milk
- 1 ripe banana
- 1 teaspoon baking soda (baking soda)
- 1 tablespoon lemon juice
- 1 serving Ekopura vegan protein
- 1 teaspoon vanilla powder
- coconut oil for frying
- fruit to garnish the pancakes

How to make it
1) Put the almond milk, oatmeal and banana in the blender. Turn on the blender just until you have an even mass. Then add the baking soda, lemon juice and vanilla powder and 1 scoop of Ekopura vegan protein, then turn the blender on for a very short time. The batter should remain slightly thick.
2) Next, grab a frying pan and put it on the heat with some coconut oil. Using a spoon, scoop in the batter. Do not turn the pancake until you see bubbles appear and the batter becomes a little dry. Then fry them on the other side until they are nicely golden brown. Repeat this until you run out of batter.
3) After this, it's time to garnish the pancakes with fruit and possibly some maple syrup.


Ekopura vegan ontbijt recept quinoa

Quinoa, fruit and nuts is the perfect combination for an instant energy boost without the famous dip afterwards (like you have with sugar, for example). It is therefore excellent for starting the day full of energy.

Ingredients for 2 persons
- 1 cup Quinoa
- 5 cup Alpro almond or soy milk
- 2-3 tablespoons oatmeal + cinnamon
- Garnish: almonds and/or walnuts, blueberries, strawberries or banana.

1. First wash the Quinoa and then cook it along with the almond milk according to the description on the package. If the Quinoa is getting dry, you can throw in an extra dash of almond milk.
2. Next, mix the Quinoa with the oatmeal, nuts and cinnamon. Then gently spoon the blueberries into the (still warm) Quinoa. This will soften the berries, which is extra delicious.

Curious about all the vegan recipes? Then click here.

Look here for an overview of all our vegan products.

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