Waarom Whey proteïne en wat doet het voor je lichaam?

Why use whey protein and what does it do for your body?

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Why use whey protein and what does it do for your body?

We'll get into that in this article but first some background info on protein in general.

Whey protein is the most efficient, the most popular and therefore the most widely used protein supplement available. To understand why, you will first need to understand exactly what protein does for our bodies. Protein is a very important nutrient - it is essential for our health. Next to water, protein is the most abundant organic substance in the human body. Protein is the building blocks that our bodies are built from: our hair, skin, muscles, connective tissues and so on. It repairs, maintains and builds our muscles and connective tissues. In short: without protein, we would not be able to function.

Generally, we get protein from our diet. Among other things, protein can be found (in varying amounts) in meat, fish, chicken, dairy, legumes, beans and some fruits and vegetables. That means we consume protein from a variety of sources on a daily basis. However, the question is whether we get enough protein and whether we pay attention to where these proteins come from.

Active lifestyle

If you exercise a lot, have an active job or lead a lifestyle in which you are physically busy most of the day, the body's protein needs increase. The muscles become more stressed or even overworked. To recover, get stronger or grow, the muscles require more protein than when they are at rest. So your protein needs increase and you will have to eat more to get enough protein.

If you are consciously training to get faster or stronger, develop muscle mass or maintain muscle mass then you need to adjust your protein intake accordingly. An easy way to do that is with whey protein. By means of a protein shake, mixing whey protein into your breakfast or as a tasty snack, you ensure that you get enough protein for your lifestyle and training goals.

What exactly is whey protein?

Whey protein powder is made from milk. At its base is the liquid left over from cheese production. This liquid is also called liquid whey. This liquid is filtered, heated and dried until a nice powder remains. Many producers add other ingredients to this, which does not always benefit the protein shake or your health, but we will get to that later.

The benefits of whey protein

Why whey protein is so popular among athletes is mainly due to the fact that the protein content of whey is very high, about 80% or more. In addition, it is very easily absorbed by the body. After taking a whey protein shake, the first proteins will enter the bloodstream after only about 20 minutes. Your muscles will quickly be provided with the necessary building materials. Especially after a heavy workout it can therefore be very useful to take a whey shake.

Whey also makes you feel full longer and helps stabilize your energy and focus by balancing your blood sugar levels. That means more satiety - and reduced carbohydrate cravings!

Besides making you feel good and function at your best, protein can also help you lose weight while maintaining muscle tissue. After all, the more muscle mass your body has, the more efficient it becomes at burning fat.

Getting enough protein is a problem that many people who exercise regularly to a lot experience. Whey protein provides a good handle on getting enough protein quickly. Whey is absorbed well and easily by the muscles and stimulates muscle building, muscle maintenance and muscle recovery.

Be careful!

There are many different whey protein powders on the market. Pay attention to which one you take because in many cases the cheapest ones are definitely not the best. Look carefully at the ingredient list and consider whether you are dealing with a reliable producer. The best quality proteins are rich in nutrients and do not contain harmful ingredients such as refined sugars and artificial additives (e.g. aspartame, sucralose, sorbitol, saccharin), soy, wheat gluten, lecithin, preservatives and inferior proteins.

Ekopura offers only pure and healthy protein powders and therefore uses only organic ingredients guaranteed to be pure and clean. The result: protein free of artificial and unnecessary additives and produced with respect for people, animals and nature.

View all our organic whey protein products. Learn more about Ekopura as a company here.

Want to know more about proteins and protein shakes? Read our following articles or check out the blog for all protein related articles.

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