Veel ongezonde whey proteines verkrijgbaar

Many unhealthy whey proteins available

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Whey protein is a type of protein that comes from wei, a by-product that arises while making cheese. Whey, also called milk plasma, the moisture remains after the milk is blocked and the cheese is made. This moisture tastes slightly acidic and is particularly fresh, has a very high nutritional value and is rich in proteins, B vitamins, milk sugar, minerals and beta glucans. In addition, on contrast to milk and cheese, weever contains hardly or no fats.

Based on the above, Whey Protein is a very healthy addition to the daily diet, however 95% of all whey proteins that are for sale in the store from the unhealthy additives, such as refined and artificial sugars (eg aspartame, sorbitol and saccharin ), soy, non-organic eggs, wheat gluten, preservatives and inferior proteins! These additions are not only unnecessary, they are also extremely harmful to health:

  • Refined and artificial sugars: are harmful to the body and can lead to all kinds of complaints and disorders, such as diabetes, obesity, increased cholesterol levels, headache, migraine and even cancer. These sweeteners can also highlight the blood sugar, hormone mirror and acidity of the body.
  • Soy: Contains many substances that can lead to allergic reactions and inflammation. There are also phyto acids in soy, which extract minerals (especially calcium, magnesium and zinc) from the body. In addition, soy includes enzyme inhibitors, and thyroid function is also negatively influenced by soybean, which can lead to a disbalance in hormone balance. Most soy is also genetically manipulated.
  • Eggs: Are very healthy in itself, but most whey protein contains eggs that are not organic. The used laying battery eggs are full of hormones and antibiotics, and the laying hens have had a human-minded life.
  • Wheatluten: Many people are allergic or intolerant for wheat gluten, often without knowing it yourself. An allergy or intolerance for gluten can lead to inflammation, pain, diarrhea, bloating and / or flatulence.
  • Preservatives: are often made of non-natural and toxic substances and have no added value for health. Some preservatives can even be harmful to the body.
  • Inferior proteins: are from the bio-industry and are made from animal (waste) products. These proteins are often packed with hormones, antibiotics and expansion means. In addition, these animal proteins are heated during the processing process at high temperatures, reducing toxic substances and the nutritional value, including those of the amino acids, are largely lost.

Which whey proteins are the best choice?

The best quality whey proteins are rich in nutrients and do not contain harmful ingredients such as sophisticated and artificial sugars (eg aspartame, sorbitol and saccharin), soy, non-organic eggs, wheat gluten, preservatives and inferior proteins. Ekopura Organic Whey Protein is a good example of a whey protein that is guaranteed to be pure and clean.

View ours here Organic Whey Proteins.

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