Wat kan je beter niet doen na het sporten! 5 tips.

What's better not to do after exercise! 5 tips.

When you want to achieve results and goals, sticking to your workout and nutrition schedule is an important aspect. Because what you do after a workout can have a big impact on how your body responds. Think about what we eat or how much sleep we get. It can sometimes be very tempting to reward yourself after working out with something sweet. But do so in moderation.

In addition, there are many other things we do after exercise that we really shouldn't do to achieve your training goals. We have listed 5 tips for you! Read along?

Don't forget to stretch

Fortunately, we see many people these days opting for a good warm-up or even dynamic stretching before a workout. Unfortunately, there are still plenty of people who skip stretching after their workout anyway, and this is perhaps more important than your entire workout. This will shorten your recovery period, maintain your flexibility and it may even help the growth process afterward.

Want to achieve the ultimate result? Then you really need to stay five minutes longer and stretch all your muscles. Also, a good stretch session helps against muscle soreness the next day.

Not hydrating the body enough

During a workout, you often do not have enough time to drink water, so it is essential that you drink more water than usual after your workout to make up for the shortage. When you suffer from fluid deficiency, your balance is affected. Too little fluid in turn causes low sodium and potassium which in turn causes sore muscles and unexpected spastic cramps. Cramps in leg, calf, neck, foot or arm are in many cases caused by poor internal hydration or fluid balance.

Want to know more about this topic? Then read our blog "Drinking enough water!

Fatty bite

It is important to keep in mind that your meal after exercise has several important purposes. For example, your energy levels need to be restored because you have used a lot of energy. You need protein to stimulate recovery and muscle building. You also need the right vitamins and minerals to support muscle recovery and growth. A fatty meal does not fit into this picture at all because they often do not contain the nutrients you need.

Fats also slow down the digestive process, so it is important to never eat too much fat after your workout. Rather, choose quick nutrients that are easily absorbed into your blood stream and can quickly enter the cells. This means replenishing your supply 20 to 30 minutes after your workout, with high-quality protein and good carbohydrates to fuel your muscles.

If you have trouble or not enough time to prepare good meals read the following article on meal prepping.

Keep walking around in your sportswear

Those sports clothes are always very comfy ... so no need to change quickly. Well so be it! It is not at all hygienic to keep walking around in your sweaty sports outfit. It's better to shower right away so all the bacteria are gone. That way you avoid getting sick and it is more hygienic. So get out of those clothes quickly!

Sleeping too little

Not getting enough sleep has a negative effect on your recovery process. Our body recovers and rebuilds itself when we sleep, so a good night's sleep is the key to success. So sleep is not only good for your health, it is also essential for muscle growth and muscle recovery after working out or muscle maintenance while losing weight.

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