6 Tips voor spieropbouw

6 Tips for building muscle

Muscle building tips: Spring has begun! A few more months and our beach body should be ready again. Time to give the muscles an extra workout. Besides the fact that lots of exercise is a must, healthy nutrition is just as important! Here are some tips on muscle building and nutrition.

It starts in the gym

Everyone knows that just vacuuming your living room won't get you in shape. Therefore, go to the gym and start working with weights! With strength training, you not only burn calories during the workout, but even for quite some time afterwards. Want to know what the benefits of strength training are? More on this in the next article.

Are you training the right way?

Find a trainer who can get you started with the right exercises and correct execution. It is extremely important to train in the right way, because you can do as many fitness exercises as you want, if you don't do them the right way, you will never achieve results. In addition, it is also important to prevent injuries.

Vary your workouts

When you just start working out, you have more muscle pain than after. This is because it is still new to your muscle tissue. What you are actually doing with fitness is overloading your muscles causing small muscle tears that then recover stronger and in a larger size. When you do the same exercises every time, the muscles will adapt to those specific exercises and therefore become less stimulated. Therefore, surprise your body each time by tackling different muscle groups with varied exercises each time. By doing so, you will develop faster muscle growth distributed over your entire body and training becomes more fun and varied as well.

Recovery nutrition

After exercise, recovery nutrition is very important. Your body needs carbohydrates and protein. Therefore, eat healthy and make sure your body gets the right nutrients. Carbohydrates help you replenish your energy stores and counteract fatigue. Proteins are necessary for muscle recovery and building so you can prevent or reduce any muscle soreness. We have several articles on our blog that focus on this.

Take sufficient rest between workouts

It is extremely important to take sufficient rest between workouts. Your muscles need rest to recover and grow. Often muscles are broken down a little bit at first, then during rest they grow strongly and end up stronger than prior to a workout. If you would not give your muscles enough rest, this could lead to your muscles being additionally damaged, breaking down instead of growing.

Protein shake

Proteins are essential for the production of muscle tissue. When you exercise a lot, your body also needs more protein. Because if the body does not get enough protein from food, it will start using protein from muscles to make up for the shortage, and this comes at the expense of muscle mass. Therefore, a protein shake is the way to go to meet your daily protein needs.

Be careful! There are different types of protein for sale. Many whey proteins contain ingredients such as GMOs, artificial flavors, dyes, refined sugars and other unhealthy additives that, in our opinion, do not belong in a healthy and balanced diet. In addition, the production process pays little attention to animal welfare and the environment.

The above is exactly why we started developing our products. Ekopura works only with pure, healthy and organic ingredients. The result: protein that is free of artificial and unnecessary additives and is good for humans animals and the environment.

Would you like to know more about our products? Then click here.

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