Hoe blijf je gemotiveerd tijdens de wintermaanden?

How do you stay motivated during the winter months?

We have to face it, the cold and rainy months have begun. But also the time of pepernoten, Christmas cookies and hot chocolate. Waking up in the dark in the morning and of course the cozy December month! But how to stay motivated during these months. In this article we give you some useful tips to stay fit, motivated and healthy through the winter. Read on quickly.

What is your goal?

When you start working with fixed goals you want to achieve, you will find it easier to stay motivated. Don't make it too difficult for yourself and set goals that are actually achievable. Because if you put too much pressure on yourself and things don't go your way for a week, chances are your motivation will diminish. Set weekly goals and reward yourself when they are achieved. If you have a down week, don't throw in the towel. Reset your goals and pick up where you left off. Don't give up!

Train at home

Do you have less time or is it raining cats and dogs and your motivation to go outside is lacking? Turn your living room into your workout space. There are plenty of ways to work out at home. For example, check YouTube to see which workouts are fun to do at home. Put on your favorite music and go for it! The advantage is that you can jump into the shower right after your workout and resume your day from there.

Plan your workouts

Just like the summer months, the winter months can also throw a spanner in the works to head to the gym. When you come home from a long day of work in the dark and prefer to plop down on the couch with a cup of tea and Netflix, chances are you are not motivated at all to get back out the door. That's why it's important to schedule weekly when you're going to work out. Take your gym gear and go straight from work. Because once you get to the gym, you'll be happy to be there. Afterwards you can still relax on the couch, but then you will have a fulfilled feeling and how nice is that!

Sports buddy!

Nothing works more motivating than setting goals with your sports buddy and celebrating successes. Think about where you want to be in 3 months. Plan sports moments together and remind each other why you have this goal. If things are not going so well, help each other through this point. In addition, a sports buddy works well because you don't abandon that person when it's raining or cold outside, do you?

Choose a sport that suits you

Motivation comes from passion and enthusiasm. Are you doing a group class at the gym every week just because you "have to," that is absolutely no way to stay motivated. Because if you do not enjoy what you are doing, you will throw in the towel faster. Therefore, choose a sport that makes you happy and gives you energy. Then these winter months will also be a piece of cake for you!

Get rid of the winter blues

For many, the winter months can be a depressing time because of the cold and short days with less sunshine. When you suffer from this, going to the gym can already be a hassle. Try to motivate yourself and think about why exercising is so positive. Exercise gives you so much positive energy that you will soon forget those winter blues!

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