Fit de lente in!

Fit into spring!

Looking outside, you wouldn't know it, but spring is really coming! The start of a season where energy is in the air. Almost, almost, we have survived that cold winter again. Therefore, here are some tips to get into spring healthy and fit.

Get enough sleep

Everyone knows that adequate rest and sleep are very important. But even more so when you actively sport, with muscle recovery or muscle growth as your goal. Therefore, make sure you get enough sleep. This is because a lack of sleep also disrupts the hormones involved in metabolism, with the result that you feel like eating more often during the day.

Eat healthy food

The most important building blocks and nutrients come from food. Buy lots of fruit and make a nice fruit salad or smoothie, for example. Raspberries, blackberries and berries are an excellent source of fiber. Fiber makes you satiated longer. Also, don't forget to eat enough vegetables each day. Want to know which vegetables are full of fiber and protein? Then read our blog 6 vegetables high in protein.

Fit with vitamins and minerals

Your body needs a good portion of vitamins and minerals every day. Vitamins and minerals are important for good health and optimal resistance. A number of vitamins are known to play a role in our energy metabolism. In particular, the B vitamins and vitamin C play a role in this metabolism or help with fatigue or tiredness. In our blog vitamins and minerals we discuss this in more detail.

Exercise more!

In winter we often have less energy due to lack of sunlight and do less exercise. Because we move less your body has fewer opportunities to eliminate waste products. As a result, you build up reserves of waste products. This makes you feel less fit. Go biking, walking and exercising. This helps to replenish your energy levels.

Drink enough water

In a healthy lifestyle, drinking enough water is very important. Drinking 1.5 liters a day prevents your overall system from slowing down and accumulating waste products. Especially while losing weight, your body needs to get enough water. If your body becomes dehydrated, the liver also dehydrates, and therefore your digestion can no longer function properly. When losing weight, your fat reserves are claimed; they are burned. During that burning, toxins are released. When you drink a lot of water, these substances can leave your body more easily. Read more about it in our blog: Drinking Enough Water!

Are you fit for spring?

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