Hoe maak je Bulletproof Koffie? De 5 beste recepten

How to Make BulletProof Coffee. The 5 best recipes

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You're reading this article because you want to try making Bulletproof coffee (also known as Keto coffee), right? Well, you're in luck, because we did some research and wrote down the 5 tastiest recipes for you.

We've been drinking Bulletproof coffee with MCT oil for a while now, and after drinking the standard recipe for an extended period of time, we got a little bored, so we decided to look for the tastiest variations.... Read on to read what our in our opinion are the best 5 recipes.

What is BulletProof Coffee?

The original BulletProof Coffee recipe consists of black coffee, butter from grass-fed cows and MCT (medium-chain triglyceride) oil.

You need a specific type of butter, and "MCT" may sound very scientific, but we'll clear this all up for you in brief in this article.

What you need for a standard BulletProof Coffee?

For a standard BulletProof Coffee, you only need three simple ingredients:

  • Good quality coffee
  • Butter from grass-fed cows
  • MCT oil - which is high in C8s
  • A blender

Let's take a closer look at these ingredients.

Coffee beans

Don't go for the cheapest beans you can find. You want quality coffee beans as a base for Bulletproof coffee.

Buy a good coffee maker. It doesn't matter if you use machine or filter coffee, just make sure you brew good coffee.

Butter from grass-fed cows.

You can adjust the coffee quality to your own personal taste, but using the right butter is essential. You can't use just any butter; only grass-fed cows produce the cream for butter suitable for BulletProof coffee. Other butters do not contain the necessary omega fatty acids.


MCT are medium-chain triglycerides. It can be divided into several types and they all have their own benefits. C6, C8 and C10 are the most important ones.

To make it easy for you: an MCT high in C8 is what you need.

A blender

You need a blender. You'll get a strange-tasting, layered drink if you don't use a blender.

Any blender is basically suitable but if you are going to use it primarily for BulletProof Coffee you want to buy a small blender that is easy to clean. In fact, larger blenders are harder to clean if they get greasy.

Our Top 5 BulletProof Coffee Recipes.

1. The original Bullet Proof coffee recipe.

If you are just beginning your BulletProof Coffee journey, you should try the original recipe at least once before trying any of the various other recipes.

  • One cup of high-quality coffee
  • 1 to 2 tablespoons of MCT oil
  • 1 to 2 tablespoons of unsalted, grass-fed butter

Mix the ingredients and enjoy. Make sure you blend it long enough in the blender to get a nice frothy (Latte-like) coffee.

2. Cinnamon BulletProof Coffee

  • One cup of high-quality coffee
  • 1 to 2 tablespoons of MCT oil
  • 1 to 2 tablespoons unsalted, grass-fed butter
  • 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon (more or less to taste)
  • A few drops of liquid stevia (to taste)


  • Pour the coffee into your blender.
  • Add the MCT oil, grass-fed butter and cinnamon.
  • Blend until creamy with a little foam on top.
  • Pour into a warm mug and sprinkle with cinnamon.

Adding a little cinnamon and a few drops of liquid stevia adds a new dimension to your BulletProof Coffee. Especially on colder days, we love this variation.

3. BulletProof Almond Milk Cappuccino.

This is a recipe for cappuccino lovers who don't like to drink regular milk.


  • One double espresso
  • 1 tablespoon unsalted, grass-fed butter
  • One tablespoon of MCT oil
  • Unsweetened almond milk


  • Pour the coffee into a blender
  • Add the butter and MCT oil and blend
  • Pour the concoction into a cappuccino mug
  • Heat the almond milk and froth until you have a thick layer of foam with a little bit of warm almond milk underneath
  • Pour the foam and milk into the coffee

4. BulletProof coffee with cocoa butter

Adding cocoa butter gives you a subtle hint of chocolate coffee. A nice benefit is that raw chocolate is said to have some amazing health benefits. Note that the cocoa butter is extra, it is not a substitute for grass-fed butter!


  • One cup of high-quality coffee
  • 1 tablespoon of MCT oil
  • One tablespoon of unsalted, grass-fed butter
  • 2 tablespoons of coconut milk (use whole coconut milk)
  • 1 tsp raw cocoa butter


  • Pour the coffee into the blender.
  • Add the MCT oil, coconut milk, butter and cocoa butter.
  • Blend on high speed until creamy with a good layer of foam on top.

5. BulletProof mocha.

With raw cocoa powder, transform your Bulletproof coffee into a Bulletproof mocha.


  • One cup of strong coffee
  • One tablespoon of MCT oil
  • One tablespoon of grass-fed butter
  • 1 teaspoon of raw organic cocoa powder
  • A pinch of nutmeg
  • A touch of cinnamon


  • Pour the coffee into your blender.
  • Add the oil, butter, chocolate powder, nutmeg and cinnamon
  • Blend on high speed until creamy to make a coffee with a good amount of foam on top.
  • Pour into a warm mug and add some cocoa powder.

Other additions to consider

  • Cinnamon-This is the tastiest addition. It combines great with the coffee and grass-fed butter to give your BulletProof coffee a great flavor without adding artificial sweetness.
  • Cocoa powder- Many people swear by this, but I think it really depends on how much of a chocolate lover you are. In fact, it tends to make your BulletProof Coffee a little bitter
  • Liquid Stevia- If you want to add artificial sweetener, this is the best choice.
  • Sugar-free syrups- Instead of just adding sweetness, you can use syrups to add different flavors to your coffee. Caramel is a great option if you like something that goes very well with the buttery flavor of coffee.

Check out our blog for many more delicious and healthy recipes.

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