4 redenen om vaker plantaardig te eten

4 reasons to eat plant-based food more often

Plant-based eating did not suddenly appear out of thin air, it is a way of life that has been around for a long time and nowadays many people swear by it. You don't know exactly what a vegan existence entails, but are curious about its benefits? Then read on quickly, because it's a lot tastier, healthier and better for the environment than you might think.

Plant-based eating means you no longer eat or drink animal products such as meat, poultry, fish, dairy, cheese, butter, eggs. Your diet consists of vegetables, fruits, legumes, nuts, grains and seeds. It is also known as the whole-foods-plant-based diet. This also means that the food is processed as little as possible.

Better for the environment

Producing plant-based food is much less damaging to our earth than producing animal-based food. To feed the huge amount of livestock in the world, many acres of farmland are cultivated resulting in deforestation and massive CO2 emissions. All this food is then processed and transported to the farms where the animals themselves emit a lot of CO2 through the manure. Switching to a plant-based diet therefore helps to reduce the environmental impact.

If the livestock population were not so gigantic, we could get by with much less arable land for crops to feed all the people on earth. Which obviously results in much lower greenhouse gas emissions. Many people are beginning to realize that the livestock industry is affecting our environment. In the Netherlands, for example, measures are already being taken to reduce the livestock population.

Unfortunately, this is still far from being the case everywhere. If you find it important that your children and grandchildren can still enjoy our planet, make more conscious choices in the interest of our earth.

Better for your body

Various studies show that more plant-based food is better for our bodies. The nutrition center therefore advises to eat less animal products. Because as you have read above, it is not only good for the environment but our bodies are also very happy with it. By eating more plant-based you reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, some types of cancer and type 2 diabetes. It is also good for our skin and if you want to lose some pounds, a plant-based diet will help you do this faster. Plant-based foods contain no cholesterol and less saturated fats.

Of course, you have to be careful to get enough protein, omega 3 and vitamin B12, but that applies to everyone!

Better for the animals

Unfortunately, due to massive meat and dairy consumption, a lot of animals suffer. Cows, chickens, pigs sometimes live in a small space in order to provide us with cheap food, think of the kilo cutters in the supermarket. Many of the animals in the livestock industry never get outside, have no daylight and are given antibiotics unnecessarily. Many people therefore choose a vegan lifestyle because they no longer want to contribute to this animal suffering. If you eat plant-based foods more often, you really don't have to worry that you will miss meat. You can replace meat for a plant-based version just fine these days.

For example, replace meat with nuts, legumes (including beans, chickpeas, lentils), vegetables and whole grain cereals or meat substitutes.


Eating differently starts by thinking differently. When you eat plant-based meals more often, you will find that you also become a lot more conscious. Nowadays, many pre-packaged products contain unnecessary additives that do not belong in a healthy diet. You will recognize it by the labels with endless lists of ingredients. By stopping these pre-packaged products and cooking more with natural ingredients, you will become much more aware of what you are putting into your body.

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