Welke vitamines en mineralen zijn belangrijk voor sporters?

Which vitamins and minerals are important for athletes?

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It doesn't matter if you are a top athlete or not, vitamins and minerals are important to everyone. But which vitamins and minerals are indispensable? In this article we will go into a little deeper here. Do you read?

Vitamins are nutrients that your body cannot create yourself, but it needs. There are two groups of vitamins: in fat soluble and water-soluble vitamins. Vitamins A, D, E and K are soluble in fat. This can store the body (limited). Vitamins that are water-soluble cannot be saved, with the exception of vitamin B12.

Your body cannot absorb too many vitamins, a surplus is said. A shortage can, if you don't eat varied enough. Everything in your body happens during exercise. Your heart rate accelerates, your blood flows faster and your brain gives all kinds of fabrics that ensure that your movements went well. To ensure that this is going well, it is important that you ensure a healthy and varied diet, with enough vitamins and minerals.

Below we have selected 6 important vitamins and minerals:

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is incredibly important for the muscles. This vitamin, which we create from sunlight and especially in fatty fish, ensures speed. When someone has a vitamin D deficiency, vitamin D supplementation can improve the performance of athletes. In addition, taking sufficient vitamin D can reduce the risk of fractures.

Vitamin B

Vitamin B or Vitamin B complex is a collective name for eight water-soluble vitamins. It is about the following vitamins: B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B8, B11 (folic acid) and B12. B vitamins occur in a wide range of foods such as cereals, vegetables and dairy. Our body is unable to store B vitamins properly, with the exception of vitamin B12. An excess of these vitamins then leaves the body through the urine.


This mineral is especially important to relax your muscles. With many athletes, complaints such as cramps occur in the muscles. This can come through a magnesium deficiency. Magnesium ensures the energy metabolism in the body, the transfer of nerve stimuli and the proper functioning of the muscles. If you have a lot of muscle cramps, it is advisable to take a supplement with extra magnesium. Magnesium is a mineral that occurs in bread and grain products, vegetables, milk, milk products and meat.

Vitamin C

Extra vitamin C contributes to maintaining your resistance during and after an intense physical exertion. For this you have to get extra at least 200mg vitamin C in addition to your ordinary diet.


Sufficient moisture is an important aspect in sports. Your sweat a lot and therefore also consumes a lot of moisture. Sodium helps to hold moisture so that you can use this during a training.

In addition, sodium still plays a number of important roles in different body processes, namely taking care of:

  • Nerve stimulation
  • A stable blood pressure along with potassium.
  • A good muscle tag.


Iron is a building block of hemoglobin, part of the red blood cells. Red blood cells transport oxygen from the lungs to other parts of your body. In a shortage of iron, complaints such as dizziness and a reduced concentration capacity can occur.

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