De kracht van Caseïne!

The Power of Casein!

Casein is very popular and for good reason. Casein protein is also known as sleep protein or slow protein. Over a period of up to 7 hours, casein can release a balanced amount of amino acids and this is different from other types of protein. When you exercise regularly, it is important to provide your body with protein and amino acids as consistently as possible. In this article we discuss the power of casein and we have also selected 2 delicious recipes with casein for you. Read on quickly.

What is casein?

Both casein and whey are extracted from cow's milk. In total, cow's milk contains 3% protein. Of that, 80% is casein and 20% is whey protein. Casein and whey contain all nine essential amino acids, which your body cannot make itself but needs. Proteins are building materials for the body and are essential for building or maintaining muscle mass. Because casein is in milk protein, it is automatically in many other products as well Think of yogurt, cottage cheese, cheese, different types of bakery products and also in baby food.

Slow proteins

As we mentioned above, the major advantage of casein is that it is absorbed by the body more slowly than whey. As a result, the body has stably elevated amino acid levels for up to seven hours after consuming milk or other dairy products. Casein also contains a complex structure that holds calcium and phosphate, so to speak. This allows the body to absorb these minerals more easily.

Calorie burning

It is important to know that our bodies have to put quite a bit of effort into absorbing casein protein. It makes your body have to work hard and therefore burn calories and increase metabolism. In addition, casein also makes you feel satiated which is a big advantage because it reduces the risk of unnecessary snacking. On top of these factors, casein is also low in calories and has an extremely low fat content.

Good for your teeth, muscle strength and losing weight

But that's not all. Casein has even more benefits. Casein is good for your teeth, it helps build your muscle strength, it lowers your recovery time and it helps you lose weight! And that, of course, is perfect when you want to lose those winter pounds.

How do you use casein?

If you want to ingest casein quickly, you can mix it with milk or water for a quick shake. If you are not a fan of shakes then you can also make different baked goods with casein. For example protein bars, muffins, cookies etc. for a healthy bite in the evening/before bed. You can make ''healthy'' versions of your favorite snacks that deliver protein and amino acids to your body for an extended period of time during the night. These will enable you to achieve your exercise goals faster.

Go for organic casein!

Common casein proteins on the market tend to use misleading information, artificial additives, flavors and dyes. Ekopura, however, chooses to offer an honest, clean and pure protein product. Ekopura Organic Casein is 100% natural, boosts the immune system, contains all essential amino acids and is packed with antioxidants. The product is certified organic (Skal) according to the strict European guidelines for this purpose. In addition, our casein comes from cows with a good life, free-grazing and grass-fed.

Recipe 1: Casein protein fluff with strawberries, raspberries and blueberries

Lente proteine fluff met vers fruit

This recipe for fresh protein fluff is delicious. Especially on a beautiful spring day, this will be the perfect treat and it's super easy to make too. Enjoy!

What you need:

  • frozen raspberries (frozen fruit)
  • frozen strawberries
  • frozen blueberries
  • 1 scoop Ekopura Organic Casein
  • Toppings: Fresh fruit


  • Crush the frozen fruit in a blender to a fine powder.
  • Then add the casein and milk and blend until creamy.
  • Beat with an electric mixer for at least 3 minutes until fluffy. Top it off with some fresh fruit and enjoy!

Recipe 2: Chocolate Fluff

Chocolade proteine fluff For true chocolate lovers, this chocolate fluff recipe is a real treat. Not only is it a healthy snack or dessert, this fluff is also incredibly delicious.

What you need

  • 225 grams frozen strawberries
  • 1 scoop Ekopura Organic Casein protein
  • 200 ml organic chocolate milk
  • 50 grams of cocoa powder
  • hazelnuts
  • cacao nibs


  • Crush the frozen fruit in a blender to a fine powder.
  • Then add the casein and milk and blend until creamy.
  • Beat with an electric mixer for at least 3 minutes until fluffy. Top it off with hazelnuts, almonds, cacao nibs and enjoy!

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