De Gezondheidsvoordelen van Erwten- en Rijstproteine

The Health Benefits of Pea and Fava Protein

Fava (aka broad bean) and pea protein are a good lactose-free alternative to whey protein. But what exactly are the Health Benefits of Pea and fava protein?

Both pea and fava proteins are praised for being complete protein sources, meaning they are easily digestible and carry little to no risk of allergic reactions. In addition, they contain all the essential amino acids. Essential amino acids the body cannot produce itself but are essential for the proper functioning of the body.

Nice added benefit of fava and pea protein is that it is very neutral in taste and has a nice, smooth texture. Unlike many other plant-based protein powders that often feel a bit gritty and grainy in the mouth.

Amino acid profile

Good to know is that pea and fava protein complement each other perfectly in terms of amino acid profile. Pea protein contains low levels of the amino acids cysteine and methionine, but high levels of lysine (important for growth functions in the body). Fava protein, on the other hand, contains low levels of lysine but high levels of cysteine and methionine (important for protein synthesis in the body). Together, they provide an optimal amino acid profile that is superior to any other plant-based protein source. As an added bonus, they are dairy-free and easy to digest.

Below is a list of all the benefits of both protein sources:

Pea Protein

  • Stimulates Muscle building and recovery
  • Alkalizing effect
  • Helps in weight management
  • Stimulates cardiovascular health
  • Regulates blood sugar levels
  • Source of vitamins D, E and K
  • Hypoallergenic
  • Easily digestible
  • High Amino acid content

Fava protein

  • Stimulates Muscle Recovery and Rebuilding
  • Full spectrum of essential amino acids
  • Easily absorbed by the body
  • Helps with weight management
  • Digestive Health
  • Regulates cholesterol levels
  • Hypoallergenic
  • Easily digestible

Not surprisingly, it is precisely these two sources of protein that we have chosen for our "Vegan Protein.

Our vanilla flavored vegan protein is also made with pure ingredients. Which means minimal use of pesticides and herbicides in the growth of the crops and that the product has been produced with respect for humans animals and nature. During production, exposure to high temperatures is kept to a minimum. This keeps the powders rich in natural vitamins, minerals and keeps the proteins fully intact.

If you want to experience the benefits of pea and fava protein for yourself try our vegan protein.

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