Waarom iedereen krachttraining zou moeten doen!

Why everyone should do strength training!

Strength training has benefits for everyone. Whatever your goal, it contributes to your overall health. Fortunately, more and more people are beginning to see its benefits and are discovering that the myths about it are not true. For example, they say that strength training is for men, that it makes women too broad and that cardio is better for burning a lot of calories. But this is absolutely not true.

To shed more light on this subject, we list some of the benefits of strength training. Read along.

Fat burning

Say goodbye to excess fat! When you combine strength training with cardio training, you will really burn calories. Many people think that cardio alone is enough, but combining it with strength training will ensure that you get the killer body you want. Just half an hour of strength training will burn at least 100 kilocalories. After a workout and at rest, your muscles also burn calories, so if you have more muscle mass, you will also burn more.

So another reason to increase your muscle mass. Want to know more about this topic? Read our blog Cardio in combination with strength training for the best and fastest results.

Strength training gives your body a better shape

Your muscles get stronger through strength training which also makes them more powerful and pronounced. Think beautiful round buttocks and tight arms without loose skin. Some think that strength training will make you look like a bodybuilder in no time. But we can reassure you, this really won't happen. You have to train super heavy and often plus additionally follow a very strict diet before you become like this. Besides, women have less testosterone so it won't happen overnight. So don't be discouraged and start working out with weights.

Physically and mentally stronger

Weight training not only makes you stronger physically but also mentally. When you can train with heavier weights every week, it gives you a boost mentally! Training your back, shoulders and buttocks will not only make you walk more beautifully upright, it will also make you look taller and radiate more self-confidence.

You'll eat healthier!

Strength training is a perfect way to make healthy behavioral changes. Once you start strength training you will notice differences in your body, you will feel more energetic and you will be more likely to need healthy nutrients that will help you recover properly from your workout. Eating enough food and getting enough macronutrients is an essential part when you do strength training. In addition, nutrition determines not only your growth but also the strength you can deliver during workouts.

You sleep better

Strength training improves your sleep quality so you wake up less often during the night and fall asleep faster. This is because your body supports your daytime rhythm by improving your hormone balance. It lowers stress (the hormone cortisol) so your thoughts calm down and you experience less anxiety.

Strength training to lose weight

When most people think of strength training, they don't immediately think of losing weight. But strength training is actually an effective way to get leaner and lose weight. It burns a lot of calories. For example, your muscle mass requires up to 10x more energy to maintain itself than your fat mass. With a good combination of fitness and strength training , you will see positive results in no time. With condition training you burn calories during the workout and with strength training you burn calories well after the workout. Perfect!

Your general health improves

Strength training has proven positive effects on your health. It improves your insulin sensitivity, reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes. Your bone density increases when you do strength training, and because strength training promotes cardiovascular health, it lowers your risk of high blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

For more interesting articles and facts, check out our blog here.

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