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How do you stay motivated to exercise?

Crossfit and Nutrition Go Hand in Hand Read How do you stay motivated to exercise? 3 minutes Next Tips for Beginning Crossfitters

How do you stay motivated to exercise? Who does not know it, you have been actively working on a healthier lifestyle for a while, but then you have a busy period in terms of study or work and you notice that you have already skipped a few workouts. How do you motivate yourself to hit the gym again? We have selected a few tips to better deal with your motivation dip.

Work out on set days

Schedule your exercise days. This reduces the chance that you schedule another activity on the same day. Working out on set days is also good for keeping a rhythm. Really try to stick to it, because procrastination breeds procrastination.

Find an exercise buddy

It's tempting when you've been working out fanatically a few mornings a week for a while to skip a morning anyway. But when you know your fitness buddy will soon be at the gym by himself, you'll think twice before ignoring the alarm. So team up!

Make it fun for yourself

Working out doesn't have to be boring! Put on some music while working out and alternate with different workouts. Instead of going to the gym, you can go running, biking, playing soccer or swimming in nice weather. Team sports can also make exercise much more fun.

Keep challenging yourself

Make sure you have a plan, because without one, chances are you will lose motivation. Write down some goals on paper and challenge yourself to achieve them. With a concrete goal, you will find that you have much less of a tendency to skip a workout, which is good for motivation.


Focus on progression. It is more important to focus on progression than just being focused on the end goal. Of course, it's good to have a goal, but try not to put the focus on that. For example, if you start focusing only on reaching a certain weight, then chances are very high that you will lose motivation the moment you are not on track.

No excuses

We all know these excuses.... "I'm busy, I'm so tired, I'll go tomorrow " and so on. These are all arguments to put off exercising. Don't go along with that. Just get started and once you get going it's usually fun.


Reward yourself after working out. This reward can be a bowl of fresh strawberries, cottage cheese or a delicious protein shake or smoothie. Just be careful what protein you use because many protein powders are full of artificial additives.

Ekopura Organic Whey and Organic Vegan protein are carefully formulated with pure and organic ingredients and are produced with respect for people, animals and nature. Check out the products here.

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