Hoe blijf je fit als je veel onderweg bent?

How do you stay fit when you're on the road a lot?

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Are you on the road or traveling a lot? Then sometimes it can be quite a challenge to stay fit and motivated and keep your rhythm. Still, it is important to stick to your regular patterns and eating habits as much as possible. In this article we give you some handy tips to still be fit and energetic on the road.


Do you travel a lot and spend a lot of time in one place? Then find a nice gym nearby, because let's face it most hotels don't really have a large and extensive gym. When you're on the road a lot, it's handy to pick a gym that has multiple locations. That way you can spend an hour sweating at a nearby gym while on the road.


Put on your sneakers and go for a run. Besides working out your body right away, you'll see a lot of the place you're staying in while running. Sightseeing has never been so effective.

Snacks on the go

It is more likely when you are on the road a lot to opt for less healthy snacks. Just consider what's available at a gas station, those aren't exactly the healthiest options. And when you are hungry or in a hurry, you are more likely to go for these kinds of snacks. That's why it's a good idea to bring tasty and healthy snacks for the road. This doesn't have to be complicated at all. Think for example of nuts, protein bar, a boiled egg or edamame beans. Want to know what other snacks you can take on the road? Then read our blog "Healthy protein snacks on the go


Plan your workout in advance in your calendar. Make sure you plan a week ahead and block off the time you actually go to the gym. Otherwise you'll have another appointment in no time and your gym visit will fall through. Choose, for example, to work out in the morning so that you feel energized for the rest of the day. Want to know more about the benefits of exercising in the morning? Then read our blog "6 benefits to exercise in the

Be creative!

No matter where you are, you can always do a short workout. Think about swimming laps in the hotel pool, climbing stairs, cycling, walking or do some exercises in your hotel room. None of it has to be long, just moving around is good. For example, exercises you can do in your hotel room are pushups, squats, burpees that you can perform in many different variations. In addition, take with you an elastic fitness band with which you can do many more exercises and make exercises heavier.

Pure and healthy food

When traveling, try to cook as much as possible. If you are renting an apartment where you can cook for yourself, this is of course totally great. Go to a local market and buy pure and organic ingredients to put a delicious and healthy meal on the table. If this is not possible due to a busy work schedule, try to choose healthier options in the restaurants. Hopefully the above tips will help. We know better than anyone how traveling for work or private reasons can easily get you out of the rhythm of training and a healthy lifestyle. If you have any tips or comments of your own please leave them below.

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