Frambozen proteïne kwarktaartjes

Raspberry Protein Tear tarts

Today we share a recipe for super easy small raspberry protein chalk tarts. Perfect as a healthy snack.


  • 130 gr dates (without pit)
  • 40 gr coconut oil (melted)
  • 40 g walnuts
  • 75 gr oatmeal

Cottage cheese


Preparation method

  1. First mix the ingredients for the bottom of the cake into the blender to a sturdy mass (it does not remain enough slices, add some water).
  2. Grease muffin trays and divide the mixture firmly over the bottom of the mold.
  3. Then mix the ingredients for the cottage cheese coat together with the (dissolved) gelatin well and pour them over trays
  4. Let the cake set up around 1.5 hours in the refrigerator.
  5. Garnish the cake with raspberries

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