6 gezonde snacks voor op het werk

6 Healthy snacks for work

Healthy breakfast, lunch and dining is not that difficult! But finding a healthy snack can still be a challenge. Because if you have to believe the supermarking with "healthy" snacks, you've come to the right place.

Unfortunately, these snacks are often full of sophisticated sugar and other unhealthy additives. And that's very unhealthy! That is why we have selected 6 healthy snacks for you that you can eat without guilt and can easily be taken to your work. Do you read?

Edamame Beans

We love Edamame beans! You can find Edamame Boontjes nowadays in every supermarket: Fresh, in a plastic container in the cooling and as a frozen variant. Edamame contains around 12% protein, which is a proper amount for a vegetable product. It is also a high-quality protein source that contains all essential amino acids. Edamame beans are easy to prepare, super healthy and very fine as a snack because you are saturated for a long time. Cook the raw beans about five minutes and serve with chili flakes, pepper and lime juice or just a little salt.


Almonds contain more unsaturated fat and less saturated fat than cashew nuts or peanuts. In addition to the tasty taste, almonds are also known for their anti-inflammatory property and regulating blood pressure. Almonds are rich in vitamin E, proteins and fibers. In addition, they give a saturated feeling. Perfect to keep the pull on your work.

Dried fruit

You can also use dried fruit as a healthy snack. The advantage of dried fruit is that you can keep it long and that it doesn't have to be in the refrigerator. Remember that dried fruit still contains quite a lot (fruit) sugars. Dried fruit is a very good replacement for candy. It is sweet, tasty and is also full of vitamins, minerals and fibers.

Raw vegetables with dip

Cut a few strips from your bell pepper or slices of your cucumber and dip in a healthy dip (for example hummus). In addition to cucumber and bell pepper, of course you can also dip with carrot, tomato or many other vegetables. Do you prefer a fresh dip? Then choose a lean yogurt / cucumber DIP.

Dark chocolate

This list would of course not be complete without the dark chocolate! Save a bar of pure chocolate in your drawer when you have a pull in something kit. Pure chocolate contains fewer calories than other snacks. How Puerder, no matter how healthier. A piece at his time can't hurt, but eat it to the extent.

Protein shake

Drinking a protein shake is an easy way to get the necessary nutrients to have the hunger and they contain few calories. Prowshakes are not only tasty but you can also vary endlessly.

Keep an eye on! Because many protein shakes contain unhealthy additives and are produced without care for the environment. Ekopura Therefore, therefore offers a healthy and biological alternative. Protein without artificial and unhealthy additives and produced with respect for people, animal and nature.

Do you need inspiration for a protein shake?Then click hereFor our recipes.

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