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Fat burning; how does it work?

Fat burning, a term that when you hear it probably sounds very pleasant to your ears! After all, who doesn't want to lose that layer of fat? Of course, you are now asking yourself, "how can I best do that?". What really is the most efficient method to burn fat? In this article we will go into this in depth.

Energy balance

Our fat burning is a complicated body process. Your body uses energy (calories) that you take in through food and drink, or you store the energy. This is also known as energy balance. If you take in more energy than your body uses, there is energy "left over. Your body stores this excess energy as fat. It is therefore natural that if you consume more energy than you use for a long period of time, your weight will increase. If you take in less energy than you use, you will lose weight.


When you want to lose weight, it is important to burn fat. The more stored body fat and belly fat we burn, the more excess weight we lose. In addition, our fat burning depends on a lot of factors. But surely the two most important are healthy diet and adequate exercise.

How do we burn the most fat?

If you look at normal daily activities, fat provides about 90 percent of the energy we need. The rest comes from carbohydrates. The longer and more intense our efforts, the more energy our body needs.

Energy needs

Your energy needs increase with exercise. In proportion, you then use more carbohydrates but fat burning still increases. When exertion reaches a certain level of heaviness, fat burning can no longer keep up with the energy requirement and then the body only burns carbohydrates. This tipping point varies from person to person.


It is often thought that low-intensity cardio training is the best way to lose fat. But this is not entirely true. The tipping point between fat and carbohydrate burning varies from person to person. It has also been shown that when you regularly exercise very intensely, you burn more fat than when you do less strenuous workouts. For example, go for a vigorous cardio interval training that also includes strength elements, this ensures a high calorie consumption and especially increases fat burning after the workout. So WIN WIN situation!

Is it possible to increase fat burning with nutrition?

Our diet has a great influence on fat burning. The body is normally frugal with carbohydrates because we only have a small supply of them. It also makes sense when you eat a lot of carbs, the body starts burning more carbs and less fat. Your body gets the signal that it doesn't need to be frugal. To stay healthy and perform well, the body needs all nutrients. So make sure you have the right ratio of fats, carbohydrates and protein.

Protein stimulates fat burning

Protein-rich foods stimulate fat burning, because processing protein takes a lot of energy. So choose a diet that includes a lot of protein. An easy way to supplement your diet with protein is through a protein shake. Mix the protein powder with water juice or (nut) milk for an easy snack. You can also take protein powders for breakfast, for example with oatmeal, or in baked goods.

Be careful, though, because many protein shakes contain unhealthy additives and are produced without care for nature. Ekopura, on the other hand, offers a healthy and organic alternative. Protein without artificial and unhealthy additives and produced with respect for people, animals and nature. Check out our product range here.


Make sure you exercise a lot and preferably do spirited interval training combined with strength elements. This stimulates your energy consumption and fat burning both during and after your workout. In addition, a balanced diet with a high protein content is essential.

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